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Magnificat & Requiem

The Esterhazy Singers presented an enchanting evening of sublime choral masterpieces in a captivating concert featuring Bach’s Magnificat and Mozart’s Requiem. This was an exquisite musical celebration that promised to transport you to the heights of classical splendour.

๐Ÿ“ Venue: Holy Trinity, Sloane Square, SW1X 9BZ

๐Ÿ—“๏ธ Date and Time: Thursday, 14th March at 7:30 pm

Experience the Majesty of Bach’s Magnificat: Immerse yourself in the intricate harmonies and majestic choruses of Bach’s Magnificat. Renowned for its precision and passion, the performance will bring this iconic Baroque masterpiece to life, creating a tapestry of sound that will resonate in the acoustically rich Holy Trinity.

Revel in the Timeless Elegance of Mozart’s Requiem: As the ethereal notes of Mozart’s Requiem fill the air, let the haunting beauty of this iconic work touch your soul. This concert will deliver a performance that captures the essence of Mozart’s genius, blending solemnity and serenity in a truly unforgettable manner.

Let the enchanting melodies of Bach and Mozart surround you in the historic Holy Trinity as The Esterhazy Singers weave a tapestry of sonic splendor. This is an invitation to indulge in the beauty of classical choral music โ€“ an evening that will resonate in your heart long after the final note has faded. Join us for a night of pure musical enchantment!

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